Baxter Retirement & Insurance Services

Guidance for Your Retirement & Insurance Needs in San Antonio

Helping pre-retirees and retirees protect their assets, maximize their income and leave a lasting legacy.


Tailored Strategies for Your Retirement Future

Retirees and near-retirees have unique issues on their minds related to this phase of life. As careers and work are winding down, they usually want to protect their nest egg and make it stretch as far as possible. Our core services address these needs and concerns with strategies that are designed to protect and mitigate risk.

Navigating Your Retirement with Confidence

At Baxter Retirement & Insurance Services, owner Brandon Baxter prides himself on helping pre-retirees and retirees navigate insurance and income planning in the San Antonio, Texas, community. As people near retirement, while they still want to grow their assets, many turn their focus to protecting assets from risks like inflation, taxation and the ups and downs of the stock market. They start asking questions like….

  • Do I have enough income to retire and stay retired?
  • When should I take my Social Security benefits?
  • Will Medicare cover my health care needs?
  • Do I need long-term health care insurance?
  • Will taxes erode my retirement savings?
  • How can I protect what I have saved over my lifetime?
  • How can I leave a legacy for loved ones?

If you are wanting to explore the answers to these questions and put together a strategic retirement income plan based on your unique situation, give us a call for a complimentary consultation. We can take a closer look and see if insurance strategies are suitable for your goals.

Seamless Steps Towards Your Retirement Income Plan

The process of getting started on your retirement income plan is easy when you have Baxter Retirement & Insurance Services on your side. We stay focused with a series of meetings designed to get to know you and gather important information:

1. Complimentary Consult 

Meet and get to know each other. Discuss current situation and goals.

2. Assess Current Situation & Risk Analysis 

Take a closer look at what is in place and if it’s meeting your needs.

3. Propose Strategies 

Discuss strategies to possibly enhance your situation.

4. Implement Strategies 

Put the agreed upon strategies in place.

5. Monitor and Review 

Periodically review and adjust strategies as needed.

5 Simple Steps to a Successful Retirement: Make Your Retirement a Blockbuster

5 Simple Steps to a Successful Retirement: Make Your Retirement a Blockbuster

Do you have doubts about your ability to reach your retirement goals? Are you less than confident about certain aspects of your retirement strategy? Here’s the good news…there’s always time to adjust your plan and get back on track. You can take your retirement strategy from flop to blockbuster with these simple strategies.

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